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Little Beeches


Our Butterflies room is where our children can really learn to start spreading their wings and begin the process of becoming ready for reception as they progress through the EYFS. With everything from mark making, learning through play and reading as a group along with free flow indoor and outdoor play being a butterfly at Little Beeches is fun and forges independent, curious learners.


This is a general guide to our daily routine, it is however dependent on each individual child’s needs and therefore can be flexible:

8:00am-8:30am- Breakfast time 

8:30am-  Free flow play, using our inside and outside spaces, open ended and across all areas of learning. Our play is resourced to support children`s interests and needs. Staff work alongside children, scaffolding and enabling their learning, developing independence and building up skills for life

9:30am-  5 minute bell before tidy up time

9:45am- Welcome/circle time to say good morning, count our friends, discuss the weather and day of the week then split into groups for literacy or maths.

10.00am- Adults supporting children's hand washing and self care before snack time 

10:30am-11:40pm - Exploration! Time to continue with our play and learning, a balance of adult led and self-chosen play

11:40am- 5 minute warning bell before tidy up time

11:45am-Tidy up time into singing songs or listening to a story

12:00pm- Lunch time! Good manners and independence is encouraged by all adults

1:00pm- Time to say goodbye to some friends and welcome more friends in, explore provision

1:40pm- 5 minute bell before tidy up time

1:45pm-Welcome/circle time to say good afternoon, recap over the day/weather before a story or group activity. 

2:00pm- Adults supporting children's hand washing and self care before snack time 

2:30pm-3:45- Free flow play, using our inside and outside spaces, open ended and across all areas of learning. Our play is resourced to support children`s interests and needs. Staff work alongside children, scaffolding and enabling their learning, developing independence and building up skills for life

3:40pm-Tidy up time before sharing a story or engage the children with some singing, movement or dance before getting ready for tea and saying good bye to some of our friends.  

4:00pm- Adults supporting children's hand washing and self care before tea time

4:30pmExploring our favourite activities before parent's arrive

5:30pm- End of the nursery day- see you next time!